Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Outsourced !!

First of all, things have been very tight and I am just not able to find time to write.

Now, a few defintions:

Improv theater : A theater style were the actors perform a short scene based on the suggestions given by the audience. You can see it as 'Instant theater'. No prior script.

Second Nature : A USC student Improv group. The best one at USC, I would say.

Vidushak : The only Indian Improv group at USC. Yours truly has recently been promoted from actor to actor-director.

Tremendosaur :A brother group of Second Nature which makes short films/sketches/spoofs.

Q- What happens when Second Nature guys see Vidushaks perform and then decide to cast them for the next Tremendosaur production?
A- Beericorn !!!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

My debut in the 'American Amateur Short Films' world. Hope you like it.

jai ho